How To Stage Your Residence for an Open House

If you need more information about home staging to sell your house quickly in Dunedin , contact me and I'll give you advice for the fastest ways to sell your house.

Sell quickly in Dunedin  with home staging and with me as your real estate agent - (727) 455-5510Professional home staging is a tried and true tactic utilized to sell a home here in Dunedin . Some advantages to home staging include fewer days on the market and better offers. And you should definitely consider professional home staging if you need a fast home sale.

Staging your home in Dunedin is all about promoting a lifestyle. You want buyers to envision themselves calling your house "home". You want them to see your current home as their next house.

Staging your home to sell shouldn't be thought of as an annoying experience. It can actually be a blast. Together, we'll work to get a premium bid for your home. Below are a few home staging pointers to get you going:

Curb Appeal Checklist

Curb appeal is your first chance to create a positive impact on buyers before they enter your home. The positive and negative features that jump out at buyers create their first thoughts about your home and how you perform house's regular maintenance.Understanding this assists us in deciding what steps we can take to invite buyers from the street and into your home. If your home's exterior isn't inviting with refreshed paint and colorful garden plants it's time to get those things done. Refer to the Curb Appeal Checklist and raise your house's final selling price.

Welcome Home Checklist

Sell quickly in Dunedin  with home staging and with me as your real estate agent - (727) 455-5510 Can buyers envision themselves watching a movie in your living area, reading a good book in your reading nook or studying in your home office? I want your house to pleasantly accept buyers and offer them a sense of easy living. I'll help you do this by suggesting changes that enhance your home's features. I'll help you put out of sight anything that gives the impression of clutter. Table and counter tops should be clutter-free. Arts and crafts, souvenirs, family photos, and play time drawings should get moved out of sight. I can help you de-clutter your house. Disheveled or busy spots make your home seem smaller and buyers have a more difficult time seeing themselves living there.

I'll review every room of your home. I'll point out the pieces of furniture that should be put in storage, rooms that need new paint, carpet needing to be changed, fixtures that could use brightening, and any other improvement that can easily be made to positively impact the sale.

I'll make sure that your house has mass appeal and that it's comfortable, avoiding "loud" or "too-bright" hues on the walls and furniture. And if the house is empty, you can consider borrowing furnishings. You want your home to look ready to live in as opposed to bare and uninhabited.

Setting the Stage

You'll know when to host an Open House, because everything comes together to set the stage for what buyers can expect after they choose to buy your house. Brightening up each room is of major importance, so we'll do things like part the curtains and reduce shadows where needed to show off your house. Together we'll enhance the ambiance with enjoyable music playing lightly and make sure a delightful scent flows throughout your home. We'll incorporate cozy-looking throws, and pillows on your love seat and bed. Buyers should feel like your current home has the potential to be.

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310 Causeway Blvd.
Dunedin , FL 34698